For some people winning awards, or just being nominated, is a big thing. 

I get it and how the exposure can help. To me, however, whether it is the Oscars or some mickey mouse award for whatever it is, I would rather have root canal treatment than take part. 

Another Era

I think the whole concept of awards have run their course and are from another era.

You may know that the British Podcasts Awards were slated last year by some as podcasters had to cough up £318 for a spot at the table even if they were nominated.

Talia Augustidis, who was nominated for an award for Rising Star, said she was “very excited…Although the nomination is slightly soured by the fact I can’t afford to go… What entry-level, independent audio producer could possible pay £318 for a ticket?”

Rewards Corporates With Big Budgets

Unsurprisingly, the big corporate companies with the big budgets that go with it swept the board at the British Podcast Awards. 

In the Uk True Crime world, the organisers of CrimeCon UK started their own awards ceremony last year and this is running again in 2024.

To even enter and so hopefully be nominated for these awards, podcasters will have to stump up £225 + VAT. Then if nominated there is the cost of a seat at the awards and the travel so you are looking at £400+.

Fine for the big corporates but as in the case of Talia above, this clearly penalises smaller creators without the big pockets.

Then there are the judges who review entries. Just take a look at the judging panels for any awards – all part of the establishment who know and mix with the same people and tend to think of what good looks like in the same way.

Shouldn’t Awards be Based on Merit?

Like I said at the beginning, I don’t like awards.

In our modern world of inclusion and diversity, they look to me like a throwback from another time. You may argue that they are a celebration of all that is good in the industry. Sure, they should be. However, I suggest that they only exist to make money for the organisers and allow the corporates with the biggest budgets to generate publicity for their work.

It kind of misses the point of awards being given on merit doesn’t it.

5 Responses

  1. I do agree with this Adam- really interesting read, and definitely mirrors a lot of my thoughts too. Such a shame as well- in an industry that usually requires lone workers, we should all be able to celebrate achievements and build each other up, without the huge exclusionary price tag in return for a pat on the back.

  2. Scandalous……. But not surprising. Just another example of someone pulling your pants down. Another ‘stealth tax’, another greed multiplyer. It all stems from the States, monetisation with EVERYTHING.

  3. I heard a similar tale from RLGS.
    For me I couldn’t give a fig if the podcast I like & follow win an award or not.

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